Tone Ringstad - CEO & Founder at Culturengine Main section Page top

Tone Ringstad - CEO & Founder at Culturengine

Speech: Is the Nordic Business Culture fit for fight?

We have gathered culture data from more than 2000 leaders and teams in over 100 business units in the Nordics. Through taking our culture survey they have provided data in their own culture project, but we have also gained a unique insight in the collective Nordic business culture. Through big data culture analytics, we will answer key questions around the Nordic Culture: What is Nordic business culture? What are some of the prioritized values that drive business performance in the Nordics? Is there a Nordic mindset, and how does it play out? Is the Nordic business culture fit for the future?

Tone's expertise is combining business strategy and operational goals with organizational culture and leadership transformation. Her recent role as a founder and CEO of Culturengine, a SaaS platform delivering culture assessments, analytics and culture learning, has been possible through an entrepreneurial approach and exploring mindset. She has deep expertise in values systems and culture insight, applicable to business development and leadership. In the last 20 years, she designed and delivered business development based on strategy, culture and leadership in a variety of business and functional areas.


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