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Confirmed Speakers for Oslo Big Data Day 2024

The speaker lineup for OBDD 2024 has started and will be updated continously through March, April and May 2024.

To find the location of the tracks and the speaks, please use Mazemap here: BI Wayfinding (N.B use the floorplans on the left side of the map to navigate different floors)


The full program with all speakerslots will be found here: PROGRAM OBDD 2024

We will start releasing speakers for OBDD 2024 continously from March)


Stephen Brobst (USA), CTO at Ab Initio Software

Speech: Generative AI Beyond Co-pilots

Stephen Brobst is the CTO for Ab Initio Software. He performed his graduate work in computer science at MIT where his Masters and PhD research focused on high-performance parallel processing. He also completed an MBA with joint course and thesis work at the Harvard Business School and the MIT Sloan School of Management. He has dozens of patents and hundreds of publications in the areas of data management and machine learning. Stephen is a TDWI Fellow and has been on the faculty of The Data Warehousing Institute since 1996. During Barack Obama's first term he was appointed to the Presidential Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST) where he worked on development of the Big Data strategy for the US government. In 2014, at the height of the Big Data phenomenon, he was ranked by ExecRank as the #4 CTO in the USA (behind the CTOs from Amazon.com, Tesla Motors, and Intel) out of a pool of 10,000+ CTOs.

Generative AI Beyond Co-pilots Artificial Intelligence has reached a new plateau of capability with the advent of Generative AI. The field of Artificial Intelligence has been around for many decades and has experienced multiple cycles of hype peaks characterized by unreasonable expectation of life-changing capability as well as troughs of disillusionment where confidence in its value proposition have been severely questioned (“AI Winters”). This talk will discuss why we should be paying attention to Generative AI – for both its amazing possibilities as well as its potential pitfalls. This discussion will explain, in plain terms, why Generative AI is different than previous instantiations of AI technology and how we can harness these capabilities for practical uses to deliver business value. • Learn about the underlying architecture and use of LLMs for generative AI. • Learn how to deploy Generative AI using techniques that decrease cost of implementation by 10x versus brute force approaches. • Learn advanced analytic frameworks for optimizing decision-making with Generative AI.


Room: Finn Øien A1-040


Tom Gilb (USA), Sr. Consultant at Gilb International

Speech: How to envision your Competitive AI product Using Planguage for Systems Engineering , a data driven planning process

Being a global expert in software & systems engineering, Tom has been Consulting for Intel, IBM, Siemens, Philips, Statoil, Confirmit, JP Morgan, Credit Suisse, Citigroup, Deutsche Bank, GE, Rolls Royce, Moogsoft, BritishGas HIVE, HP, US DoD, UK MoD, Sony, Hitachi, Ericsson, Nokia, TomTom, Schlumberger, Boeing etc.

He is a respected Methods Inventor whose books inspired the Agile Scrum methodology, Textbook Writer, Keynote Speaker and Teacher to many international organizations. His goals are to write, publish and speak more to senior managers about clear thinking about their top level objectives (how to quantify them all and using machine-learning at that). Tom's Specialties are Requirements Engineering for large and complex systems, with emphasis on Quantification of Quality Requirements


Room: C1-020


Marija Slavkovik (NOR), Professor at University of Bergen

Speech: AI Moral Arbiters 

Marija Slavkovik is a Professor with the Faculty for Social Sciences of the University of Bergen where seh is the acting Head of the department of Information Science and Media Studies . Her background is in computer science and artificial intelligence. She has been doing research in machine ethics since 2012. Machine ethics studies how moral reasoning can or should be automated.

Marija works on formalising ethical collective decision-making. Marija is a vice-chair of the Norwegian AI Association, board member of European Association for Artificial Intelligence, a member of the informal advisory group on Ethics, Legal, Social Issues (ELS) of CLAIRE, in the editorial board of AI Magazine, and AI and Society track editor of JAIR. She is the current head of the department of information science and media studies that since 2021 has been offering, in collaboration with the department of Informatics, he first bachelor program in AI in Norway. 


Room: C1-000


Anine A. Harto (NOR), Sr. data Engineer Snøkam

Speech: How to Build a Self-Service Data Platform like the Wizard of Oz 

Anine Aarvold Harto works as a Senior Data Engineer at Snøkam, a consultancy firm founded just a year ago, where she specializes in data platform development. Anine is driven by her passion for the potential of data and technology, and to make solutions loved by both users and developers.

How can an organization transform itself from being dependent on a centralized data team to one where access to and analysis of data is democratized? In her speech, Anina draws inspiration from 'The Wizard of Oz' as she explores the journey through this transformation by introducing a modern self-service data platform. During this journey, she will delve into some key principles which, from experience, are considered crucial for overcoming traditional bottlenecks, making data easily accessible and integrated, and enhancing overall data management.


Room: C1-020


Osama Hanif (NOR), Product Manager at Microsoft

Speech: Demystifying Generative AI

 Osama Hanif is an entrepreneur, product leader, angel investor, and board advisor with a profound impact in the Norwegian tech industry. Currently leading the personalization efforts for Copilot at Microsoft 365, he has previously played a pivotal role in Kahoot!'s growth, contributing to its $170 million ARR through the development of key products and features like search and recommendations.

As a co-founder of Diffia, a health tech company aimed at optimizing healthcare professionals' workflows with digital assistants. His journey in machine learning began at Telenor with the creation of a personalized pricing product, showcasing his ability to drive user engagement and business growth through data-driven insights. An active mentor and advisor, Osama uses his vast experience in AI, product management, and machine learning to support startups on their path to success, establishing himself as a thought leader passionate about innovative solutions to complex challenges.


Room: C1-010


Laura Mannering (UK) UK Chartered and European Patent Attorney at Bryn Aarflot

Speech: IP & AI

Laura is a patent attorney specialising in Physics and software protection, with a MSc in Physics. Originally from the UK, she now help Norwegian businesses and innovators protect their ideas, both nationally and internationally, using a range of Intellectual Property (IP) tools from copyright to trade secrets to patents. The main two aims are (1) show how software and AI can be protected in the EEA, UK and USA using IP, and (2) show how even basic IP rights can generate value. While mainly aimed at innovators, startups and SMEs, the speech will give practical advice relevant for anyone hoping to protect and/or monetise their software/AI ideas. This is not a sales pitch or a marketing campaign for IP firms. This will be clear practical guidance and solutions. Software and AI could and should be protected and, compared to companies in the UK and USA, Norwegian companies are losing out. By speaking at events like this, I hope to change this.


Room: C1-000


Omar Richardson (NED), CTO at Simula Consulting

Speech: AI for biodiversity: empowering local communities 

Omar Richardson is the Chief Technology Officer at Simula Consulting, where he focuses on the management of the R&D project portfolio. With a background in research and technology development, Omar has been a technology consultant for several research institutes in Scandinavia. As a part of Simula Consulting, Omar has lead innovative AI applications, particularly in business process optimisation and decision-assistive systems. His mission to make sure that technology is built to serve society and is reflected in his leadership at Simula Consulting, where he focuses on developing AI solutions that are not only commercially viable but also address key societal challenges.

In this speech, we explore a recent innovative AI project Simula Consulting contributed to: protecting the Norwegian Atlantic salmon from the invasive humpback salmon. By collaborating with local actors such as fishermen and engineers, we built a successful AI-driven solution that successfully repels the humpback salmon from Norwegian rivers. We'll share insights on our smart fish trap system, recognized at the World AI Cannes Festival 2023 and the UN's Sustainability Awards, and provide key take-aways on how to build AI for nature. 

TRACKLEADER: Legal & Ethical AI


Room: C1-020


Łukasz Borowiecki (POL), CEO at 10 Senses

Speech: AI Explainability for Enhanced Profitability and Regulatory Compliance

Łukasz Borowiecki is the co-founder and CEO of 10 Senses, a company that provides services in the areas of Data Science, Machine Learning, and Business Intelligence. He holds a Ph.D. in Economics from the Warsaw School of Economics and an M.A. in Sociology from Jagiellonian University in Kraków. Before founding 10 Senses, Łukasz worked as a consultant at EY Business Advisory (formerly Ernst and Young). Overall, he has 15 years of experience in data science and data-focused projects. Łukasz is the author of several publications on Polish AI ecosystem. He is also an active participant in consultations and workgroups related to the Polish AI strategy.

Companies employ various AI models in their client interactions. However, these models are often referred to as 'black boxes,' implying their complexity hinders a clear explanation. To make informed business decisions, managers require a profound understanding of how the model perceives clients. Additionally, compliance with upcoming EU regulations, such as the AI Act and AI Liability Directive, mandates that models must be explainable. The speech will feature an overview of how Shapley values can explain AI models based on tabular data. A comparison with regression will be presented, as Shapley values can be viewed as a 'kind of' nonparametric regression, addressing certain limitations of regression modeling, such as collinearity, confounding, and ceteris paribus. Practical use cases for such explainability will be explored in both business and regulatory contexts.


Room: C1-000


Kjersti Aas (NOR), Research Director at Norsk Regnesentral

Speech: Explainable AI – possibilities and pitfalls 

Kjersti Aas is research director in the department for statistical analysis and machine learning at Norsk Regnesentral (Norwegian Computing Center). She has been project leader for more than 200 academic and industrial projects. Her current research interests include AI and Explainable AI for financial applications. 

Interpretability is crucial when a complex machine learning model is to be applied in areas such as medicine, fraud detection, or credit scoring. Often, there is a clear trade-off between model complexity and model interpretability, meaning that it is often hard to understand why these sophisticated models perform so well. In response, a new line of research, Explainable AI, has emerged that focuses on helping users interpret the predictions from advanced machine learning methods. In this talk I discuss some of the most frequently used methods for Explainable AI.


Room: C1-060


Francesco Ravazzolo (ITA), Professor at BI Norwegian Business Scool

Speech: Artificial intelligence, geopolitical risks and firm risks 

Francesco Ravazzolo is Full Professor of Econometrics at Faculty of Economics and Management at Free University of Bozen-Bolzano and Head of the Department of Data Science and Analytics at BI Norwegian Business School. He is also co-founder of AIAQUA, COMMODIA and STAIRS. His research focuses on commodity markets, data anlytics, econometrics, energy economics, financial econometrics and macroeconometrics. He has published in several leading academic journals.

The research develops indices of geopolitical risk divided by country based on artificial intelligence. Then, it integrates it in firm business models and measures risks that firms have associated to it.

TRACKLEADER: AI inte Workplace


Room: C1-010


Fredrik Winther (NOR), CSO at Katapult VC

Speech: AI for impact VC has arrived. How to curate this superpower into “AI for good”?

Building the future of AI for impact VCs with Katapult's - NorthStar. From 2019-2023 CEO of Katapult Group (Katapult.vc) in a period (Pandemic) where the Katapult system doubled the number of impact tech investments (140 by 2022), raised record-size funds, expanded globally, and launched a full African branch with local teams. And it's just the beginning... From 2023 Chief Strategy Officer at Katapult Group building the next level of AI for impact VCs. From 2013 as CEO led the build-up of the Oslo Business Region to a tech startup ecosystem builder and promoter in and for the City of Oslo. As head of OBR managed the growth of Oslo Innovation Week to sustainability and diversity-focused tech week with 13000 participants and 150 partner organizations in 2018. From 2017 Managing Partner/ Chair and co-owner, of investment company Tomorrow Today (2m2d.no) directly invested in more than 30 promising tech startups where more than 50% are female-led, and indirectly another 60 through fund vehicles. Regularly writes articles i.e for Shifter.no on the trends in venture investing, impact tech, deep-tech, sustainability, and startup ecosystems. Hold several commercial and long-term non-commercial board positions like Polyteknisk Forening (polyteknisk.no).

Venture capitalists and fund managers are hyped about AI's potential. At the same time, the VC industry is currently one of the least data-driven and AI-powered industries. This paradox needs to be untangled to secure impact and solve the biggest problems in the world. After four years of building AI tools for Katapults venture investing I will share some main learnings. 1) Main Trends: What is the current state of AI in impact investing, and where is it heading? 2) Data Everywhere: With access to signals on all impact companies at the seed stage, how do you manage this unlimited haystack of data? 3) Team and people analysis: We all invest in people, the most important and least understood success factor. How will AI and data science affect team analysis?. 4) The Impact Power Law: How to use AI to predict scalable impact at an early stage? 5) The Humans in the AI loop: As AI-driven analysis arrives, what is the role of the humans? Investors “marry” with founders and LPs for decades, and impact investing is fundamentally relationship-driven. How does AI affect this?


Room: C1-050


Kasia Pietraszewska (NOR), Sr. Senior Advisor BI at Knowit

Speech: Becoming data-driven – Beyond mere dashboards 

Kasia Pietraszewska is a senior BI advisor at Knowit, driven by a passion to empower customers to make informed decisions using data. She has assisted numerous clients in implementing BI strategies, focusing on leveraging data for improved decision-making. Currently, she is dedicated to guiding organizations towards cloud-based solutions with business intelligence at the forefront.

Are discrepancies over data accuracy causing friction in your leadership meetings? Are you frustrated by spending time on uninformative dashboards? In many firms, conflicting reports are presented, leaving executives more confused than informed. Many organizations struggle to embrace a more data-driven approach. While AI solutions are often sought after, there's uncertainty regarding the adequacy of the underlying data. The primary aim of BI (Business Intelligence) is to empower better business decisions. By leveraging data from various sources, BI systems offer historical, current, and predictive insights into business operations. In today's intricate business landscape, timely access to accurate information is paramount for success. Insights derived from data are critical for fostering a deep understanding, optimizing performance, and seizing business opportunities. Join us to witness how Knowit implements BI strategies with our clients, ensuring a robust data-driven approach to value creation.


Room: C1-010


Erik Olsvik Dengerud (NOR), Quantitative Associate Trader at Norges Bank Investment Management

Speech: Clustering for decision support in equity trading 

Quantitative Associate Trader in NBIM, focusing on automation and quantitative aspects of our trading. Background from NTNU in Physics and Mathematics with a specialization in statistics and time series forecasting. 

NBIM is a large market participant, and in moving markets, life at the trading desk gets busy. Orders with varying degrees of complexity require tailored approaches to minimize implementation costs. Traders are in the need for decision support. Clustering based on stock level trading dynamics works as a decision support tool for traders to choose implementation strategies.


Room: C1-060


Aleksander Bai (NOR), CDO at Nortura

Speech: Use of AI in manufacturing for driving better decisions 

Nortura SA is a cooperative owned by approximately 17,000 Norwegian farmers and has a vision to create 'meals of all time'. The value chain is long: from animals being collected from the farmer to the food ending up on our plates. Along the way, there are many decisions to be made that require good and systematic insight. Nortura, like many others in the industry both domestically and internationally, is going through tough times and needs to renew itself. An investment in becoming more data-driven seems to be a good tool for untangling the knot. But how do we get everyone on board and how do we get started? We will present a use-case where we use AI to estimate the slaughter weight of chickens, and how that insights helps us make better decisions. This also include having a responsible AI focus and devliering end-to-end AI solutions in production.


Room: C1-020


Zhixian Bao (CHN), Customer Engineer, Data and AI at Google

Speech: What do you need to know about generative AI Agents 

Zhixian Bao is driven by a deep-seated passion for leveraging technology to empower individuals and organizations. She believes that by embracing data-driven decision-making and AI-powered solutions, businesses can unlock unprecedented levels of growth, efficiency, and sustainability.

Generative AI agents are software agents that build LLM-driven chat and voice bots, that enables LLM to access APIs / tools, for the bot to retrieve information and submit transactions. These agents can produce believable simulations of individual and group behavior. They can draw inferences about themselves, other agents, and their environment. During the talk, we will discuss about use cases of generative AI agents and best practices.


Room: C1-010


Andrey Kutuzov (RUS), Associate Professor at the Language Technology Group, University of Oslo

Speech: Large language models and who they belong to 

Andrey Kutuzov is an Associate Professor at the Language Technology Group, University of Oslo, Norway. He also currently serves as the Norwegian on-site manager of the High-Performance Language Technology (HPLT, https://hplt-project.org/) project. His main research interests are semantic change modeling, machine learning in NLP and large language models

In the last few years, radical increase in the scale of deep neural language models (both in terms of the size of the training data and the size of the models themselves) has led to impressive achievements in various natural language processing tasks. "Celebrity" models, like ChatGPT, LLaMa, Gemini or PaLM are already sometimes described to as "approaching artificial intelligence", although the reality can differ from over-hyped media coverage. I will describe the foundations of the technology behind large-scale language models. The interaction of recent technological advances poses intricate theoretical and practical questions, also linked to issues with unequal distribution of computing resources. Do we have enough good-quality training data for languages other than English? Is "data poisoning" with automatically generated texts is a real danger? Why is it important to open source both training data and model weights? I will give and introduction to these topics in my talk.


Room: C1-020


Kjersti Wold (NOR), Head of Advanced Analytics at Sparebanken 1

Speech:  Employing AI in finance. From experimentation to strategic capability 

Kjersti Wold is the Head of Advanced Analytics at SpareBank 1 SMN, leading a team of data scientists and machine learning experts. She drives the ambition, strategy, and roadmap for data and analytics through both data strategy and AI strategy. Based on almost 20 years of experience in analytics and data science across various business domains within banking, she has a strong belief in aligning technology-driven opportunities with business goals and driving development through cross-functional collaboration.

AI is transforming all business processes in the banking industry- from risk assessment and fraud detection to customer service and personalized financial advice. By taking a deep dive into SpareBank 1 SMN’s approach to employing AI, we will explore the opportunities, the progress made so far, lessons learned, and barriers to overcome.


Room: C1-060


Christine Hafskjold (NOR), Senior AI Policy Advisor at Ministry of Digitalisation and Public Governance

Speech: The state of Ai in Norway 

Christine Hafskjold is Senior AI Policy Adviser in the Ministry of Digitalisation and Public Governance. She has a MSc in Industrial Economics and Technology Management from the Norwegian University for Science and Technology (NTNU) and an MBA in Public Auditing from NHH Norwegian School of Economics. Christine has 10 years of experience from business as an IT consultant. In the ministry her responsibilities are mainly in policy development. Over the last years she has, among other things, led the work on the Norwegian national strategies for AI, Cloud Computing and ICT Research and Development.

Christine Hafskjold will present the status for AI policy in Norway. What are the challenges of AI from a policy perspective? She will also address the upcoming AI Act and Norway’s approach to this regulation from the EU.


Room: Finn Øien A1-040


Trond Markussen (NOR), President at NITO - Norwegian society of Engineers and Technologists

Speech: The AI (r)evolution requires up-skilling and re-skilling. Are we ready?

2012-President NITO 2014- Board member FEANI/Engineers Europe, 2017 - President of ANE – Association of Nordic Engineers, Vice president 2012-2017 2019 - Chair Technical Weekly, Board member 2012 - 2019, vara 2003 – 2012 Engineer , electronics and low voltage Master of management, BI.

In the midst of the current AI hype and financial bubble, we also see that the AI (r)evolution requires up-skilling of our workers, as well as re-skilling. One of the important new skill-sets is to ask questions better, or do prompt engineering as it is also called. Are we ready for the massive changes that will happen in the IT industry and beyond? If we are not ready, what is our plan for becoming ready? If we are ready, how do we ensure to include all the stakeholders? As a labour union for engineers and technologists, NITO has members that both develop these new tools, and members who will utilitize these tools. This gives us a special responsibility.


Room: Finn Øien A1-040


Martin Jullum (NOR), Senior Research Scientist at Norwegian Computing Center

Speech: How to navigate in the Explainable AI jungle 

Martin Jullum holds a PhD in Statistics and is a Senior Research Scientist at the Norwegian Computing Center. His main research field is Explainable AI, where he develops methodology and software for making black box models more transparent, trustworthy, and interpretable.

In recent years, there has been an increased emphasis on ensuring transparency and interpretability of ML and AI models. This trend has led to the emergence of Explainable AI (XAI) and a plethora of methods to explain these "black boxes". However, different XAI methods explain different aspects of model behavior, and should therefore be used in different situations. This introduces the dilemma of which XAI method is best suited for your specific explainability problem or application. In this talk, we address this issue and introduce eXplego (explego.nr.no), an interactive, tree-structured tool designed to assist developers and practitioners in navigating and choosing the right XAI techniques for their specific use cases and needs.


Room: C1-000


Jan Ditzen (GER), Assistant Professor (RTD-A) in Econometrics at Free University of Bozen-Bolzano

Speech:  Dominant Drivers of National Inflation by Machine Learning

Jan has a background as Research Associate at the Centre for Energy Economics Research and Policy (CEERP) at Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, UK, working on the BP Statistical Review of World Energy. He obtained a PhD from Heriot-Watt University, a Master in Economics from Hamburg University, Germany, and a Bachelor in Economics from Mannheim University, Germany. His research interests are in the eld of Applied Econometrics with a focus on Panel-Time Series and Spatial Econometrics and Machine Learning. He has also an interest in Simulation Studies and the implementation of econometric methods into statistical software. Since 2021 he is serving as Co-Editor/Digital editor of Spatial Economic Analysis

We propose a novel approach christened DDML to identify observable dominant drivers in national in ation. DDML combines machine learning for model selection with time dependent data and graphical models to identify dominant drivers. We nd that in ation in EEA countries and the US and the Dollar exchange rate are dominant drivers of national in ation rates. Forecasts based on DDML outperform other in the literature prevalent forecasts methods. For a more general framework, we carry out Monte Carlo simulations to show that our estimator correctly identi es dominant drivers.


room: C1-060


Arnoldo Frigessi (ITA), Professor of statistics at the University of Oslo

Speech: A statistician inside machine learning

Arnoldo Frigessi is professor of statistics at the University of Oslo. He is the director of Integreat - Norwegian Centre for Knowledge-driven Machine Learning. Integreat is a Centre of Excellence funded by the Research Council of Norway of the University of Oslo, UiT the Arctic University of Norway and the Norwegian Computing Center.

Have you thought that machine learning and statistics share a lot in common? Or maybe that they don’t? I will try to highlight how machine learning benefits from statistical theory and the other way around. Borders are blurred and they should be even more.


Room: Finn Øien A1-040


Espen Henriksen-Polanscak (NOR), CTO at HTS Dynamics

Speech: RPA, BPM, IoT and soon some AI? 

Espen is a guy that loves industry and wants it to thrive in Norway. With this purpose and goal in mind he realises that a journey towards an even more automated and digital state is required to stay competitive and that such a journey requires high ambitions, bold risk taking, a lot of money, great people and smooth cooperations with others. With over 15 years of experience from mechanical manufacturing and IT/OT, Espen will share some thoughts on what has been done, what is currently being implemented and reflections on the near future with emphasis on AI adoption for HTS Dynamics in Drammen.

This speech will provide information about two systems that both have the goal to automate administrative tasks, one where RPA is used and one where BPM is used. In addition, the speech will show visuals from an IoT system that monitors and presents states from machines, robots, sensors and ERP. At the end there will be reflections on where AI can be adopted and utilized across the company.


Room: C1-020


Sheryl Winston Smith (USA), Associate Professor at BI Norwegian Business School

Speech: Venture Capital and Corporate Investment in AI: Trends and Implications for Startups, Scaleups, and Corporate Innovation

Sheryl Winston Smith is Associate Professor of Entrepreneurship and Strategy and Associate Dean, MSc. Entrepreneurship and Innovation at BI Norwegian Business School in Oslo. She received her Ph.D. from Harvard University and her B.S. from Yale University. She also has been a Visiting Scholar at Sloan School of Management at MIT and at Bocconi University in Milan. Her areas of expertise include: innovation, strategic entrepreneurship, corporate venturing, entrepreneurial finance, and the dynamic intersection of innovation strategy and competitive advantage.

She has professional experience in the private and public sectors, including mentoring startups for Techstars and serving on the board of Nine Angels Investors. Previously, she has served on the Board of Trustees of Springside Chestnut Hill Academy in Philadelphia, where she helped launch the Venture Incubator at the Center for Entrepreneurial Leadership, and on the board of Mid-Atlantic Diamond Ventures (MADV), which facilitates early-stage financing for startups. Her research has been published in top journals and presented widely at international conferences and policy organizations. She has received numerous grants, including from the U.S. National Science Foundation, the Kauffman Foundation, the Rotary Foundation, the U.S. Small Business Administration, and Strategic Management Society.


Room: C1-050


Tone Ringstad (NOR), CEO of Culture Intelligence

Speech:  The AI Culture Copilot will radically improve future of work 

Tone is the founder and CEO of Culture Intelligence. She is recognized as a thought leader within values and culture systems from developing business culture over the last 20 years. Her work in leadership culture transformation has been published internationally in the leadership book "Positive Organising". With background from the oil industry, shipping and global leadership, combined with a present role in the startup community in Oslo, Tone is an acknowledged speaker of personal values, culture transformation and business growth.

For a long time, the AI opportunities was mostly around GPT and technical improvements. As we now have precise data on people and culture, huge opportunities appear in the workplace. Unlocking the people potential by a specialised Culture Copilot for culture awareness and culture transformations will speed up and improve business improvements and people engagement.


Room: C1-010 11:05 First Speak w/ Per Myrseth

Room: C1-010 13:15 Second Speak


Per Myrseth (NOR), Researcher, Digitalization and Trust at DNV

Speech: The people part of Cyber Security  

This session is co-presented with Tone Ringastad. Per is a data strategist at DNV. He has 30 years' experience as a consultant and researcher in the creation and utilization of data and ICT solutions. He has had several key roles in digitalisation, information management, interoperability and interaction, and data-driven value creation. Since 2016, he has held roles as department head and global service lead for topics such as information management, data quality, data science quality, quality in digital twins sensor systems. The service area is called "Assurance and Digital Assets" and is a new strategic venture for DNV. Good quality of the digital building blocks that businesses and society depend on is essential for success with digitization and safe development.

 A cyber secure culture refers to a workplace environment where employees are conscious and proactive about cybersecurity threats and practices. It involves promoting awareness and understanding of the people part of cyber security risks, and implementing robust actual culture measures. This actual culture is compared to an aspired culture code representing the lowest-risk-culture possible. The gaps are identified and eliminated by fostering a mindset and values for better protection of sensitive information and more robust response to cyber threats. 


Room: C1-010 


Harald Øverby (NOR) Provost for Research, Learning, and Impact at BI Norwegian Business School

Speech: Moderating the Plenary Session

Øverby comes from the position as Professor at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). His research areas are digital economics, business models, internet law, regulations and governance, and internet architectures. From 2013–2017 he was Head of the Department of Telematics at NTNU. He obtained his PhD in information and communication technology from NTNU in 2005.

TRACKLEADER: Moderator Plenary Session


Room: Finn Øien A1-040


Pelin Smines (TUR), CEO at Scaleup Lab

Speech: Moderating the Emerging Tech Startup Track

Pelin has 10+ years of experience in digital product development. She co-founded Lojika, launched sustainable mobility apps, secured significant funding from Horizon 2020 and investors. She established ScaleUp Lab, providing product development and dissemination services to European startups and selected for the European Institute of Technology Women Leadership Program. Pelin has a BA in Media, a MA in EU politics, and an Executive MBA

TRACKLEADER: Emerging Tech Startups


Room: C1-050


Erlend Aune (NOR), Adjunct researcher at BI Norwegian Business School

Speech: Moderating the AI in Finance Track

Erlend holds an adjunct position at BI Norwegian Business School were he research in machine learning with challenging training data. Focus on time series, NLP, uncertainty, transfer learning and data efficiency. Applications in finance, IoT and Industry 4.0.

Erlend Aune is a data science and machine learning practitioner and researcher with a passion for creative use of modern modeling techniques. With increasing flexibility of models to tackle different types of data and frameworks for data processing and deployment. He believes there are massive opportunities to utilize non-standard data sets to create value within many industries that has yet to discover the value such data can yield. In order to do this, he believe it is necessary to be creative with the choice of modeling techniques, how to develop new functionality and how to process data. Erlend thrives working within this area, paving the way for a data driven culture where he works.

TRACKLEADER: AI in Finance Track


Room: C1-060


Vanita Kalaichelvan (UK), Sr. Data Scientist at Simula Consulting

Speech: Data-centric Industrial AI: Why we can never stop thinking about data? 

Vanita is a Senior Data Scientist at Simula Consulting, where she develops and deploys AI and machine learning models for industry. She has a Masters degree from Imperial College London and has driven AI-powered innovation in various domains. She is passionate about building technology that empower individuals and organisations by creating sustainable and explainable AI models and data processes centered on business needs.

Although no one disputes the capabilities of AI and machine learning, less than 5 percent of projects employs a data-centric approach. The real world evolves constantly, and your data changes with it. Without putting data central in your digital infrastructure, the value of your AI services will erode over time. In this talk, Vanita shows the value of a data-driven approach to AI development, illustrated with a business case of one of our industrial partners. By building tools that facilitate data validation and performance monitoring, her team has succeeded in building a sustainable AI infrastructure that unlocks lasting value for organisations.


Room: C1-020


Ragnvald Sannes (NOR) Sr. Lecturer and Associate Dean at BI Norwegian Business School

Speech: Moderating the Industrial AI Track

Sannes holds a Licentiate Degree in Business Administration from Stockholm School of Economics and a master of Science in Economics and Management from BI Norwegian School of Management. He works within the area of Information Technology Management and focus on the relationship between business and information technology. He do research, speaking and advisory consulting within these issues. Sannes' research goal is to contribute to a holistic understanding of the relationship between business and information technology, ranging from the organisational and managerial issues at the strategic level to the individual use of technology at the operational level. Research activities inlude IT strategy, IT governance, IT management and change, and self-service applications of technology in organisational and consumer contexts. Sannes' teaching include introductory courses in Strategy, Digital Business, Business Development and Technology, bachelor thesis seminars, and executive education in Strategic Business Development and Innovation.



Room: C1-020


Pietro Domenichini (ITA), CEO at CRAIG Group

Speech: AI for predicting risk and criminal liability of companies

Pietro Domenichini is a lawyer and researcher applied to corporate responsibility issues. He founded Cloudgovernance, STAIRS and CRAIG, companies that have developed solutions dedicated to the integrated management of corporate responsibility. Co-author of the "INAIL guidelines for workplace safety", he created a predictive evaluation methodology powered by artificial intelligence.


Room: C1-010


Nils-Ove Gamlem (NOR), Sr. Enterprise Security Executive at Microsoft

Speech: Artificial Intelligence: The Road to Endless Possibilities and the Borderland of Security

Nils-Ove Gamlem has a wealth of experience in the IT industry, spanning over 25 years. He has taken on various leadership roles, both technical and commercial. After a long career at Cisco as CTO, he joined NAV-IT, where he was in charge of digital work platforms. He and his team built a platform and drove a major digital transformation of NAV's work methods, being able to work securely from anywhere and moving several apps to the cloud. In 2018, he switched back to the vendor side, to cyber security - one of the most relevant and exciting areas in the IT industry. As a Sr. Enterprise Security Executive at Microsoft, he works with security leaders, assists advanced and complex clients with protecting and securing their most valuable digital assets. Lately he has spent time on artificial intelligence, both how it may be used by cybercriminals, how it is used to build better security and how it should be secured.

The world around us is being shaped by artificial intelligence, and this trend is only set to increase. This new technology, which has recently surpassed expectations with its vast improvements, has permeated nearly every industry in one way or another. It is revolutionizing processes and driving innovation. However, like most technological advancements, AI also presents a range of complex challenges, particularly in the realm of cybersecurity


Room: C1-000


Tatjana Titareva (LAT), Doctoral Assistant at James Madison University

Speech: Perspectives on AI Leadership

Tatjana Titareva has 14 years of full-time and three years of part-time work experience in consulting, education, research and international project management. Tatjana has been related to the AI field since 2018. Recently, she defended PhD dissertation related to technology leadership influence on AI tools’ adoption. Since 2022, Tatjana has cooperated with UNESCO, OECD and Brookings Institution on research and awareness raising activities on AI opportunities and risks, and global policy frameworks. By March 2024, she has conducted AI-related presentations at five academic conferences (two more in 2024), published two manuscripts (five more in development), completed two AI trainings, and currently serves on the Presidential Commission on AI at the Association for the Study of Higher Education (ASHE), and
a guest-editor for AI issue of James Madison University (JMU). International Journal on Responsibility and a reviewer of AI manuscripts for Journal of Managerial Psychology, as well as was a member of organizing teams of a conference and a symposium related to AI. For her research in AI, Tatjana has been awarded JMU 2023-2024 Graduate School Award for Innovation. Since 2006, she has taken part in and led a total of over 50+ international projects, organized and took part in over 60 workshops, seminars and conferences.


Room: C1-010



Speech: AI and Humanity:  How to Co-exist and Collaborate

Stephen Brobst is the CTO for Ab Initio Software. He performed his graduate work in computer science at MIT where his Masters and PhD research focused on high-performance parallel processing. He also completed an MBA with joint course and thesis work at the Harvard Business School and the MIT Sloan School of Management. He has dozens of patents and hundreds of publications in the areas of data management and machine learning. Stephen is a TDWI Fellow and has been on the faculty of The Data Warehousing Institute since 1996. During Barack Obama's first term he was appointed to the Presidential Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST) where he worked on development of the Big Data strategy for the US government. In 2014, at the height of the Big Data phenomenon, he was ranked by ExecRank as the #4 CTO in the USA (behind the CTOs from Amazon.com, Tesla Motors, and Intel) out of a pool of 10,000+ CTOs.

Artificial intelligence is gradually penetrating all areas of our life, actively influencing the interaction of consumers with brands, optimizing logistics, detecting fraud, and conducting research.  In this talk we explore the prospects of AI usage in the future.  We examine how to ensure that Al is used in an ethical way.   Some questions that we will explore:  Should we, as mankind, be afraid that AI will replace us everywhere?  How can we provide the productive cooperation of AI and humanity?  What skills should a person develop in order to surpass a neural network?  What will happen with AI in 10 years?


Room: C1-010


Juwel Rana (NOR), Head of Analytics & AI at Varner

Speech:  The future of retail lies in leveraging LLMs 

Juwel Rana, PhD is a global analytics leader located at Oslo, Norway and leads the analytical development at Varner Group, holding the position as Head of Analytics.Juwel possesses full-stack development principles from architecting the AI products to algorithmic design as well as strategic and business objective setting to ensure business impact. Before joining Varner, Juwel was lead data scientist at Telenor Group, Norway where he led several strategically important projects in the area of real-time data analytics, network performance analytics within the role of Analytics and AI research scientist. He was also an associate professor at the Department of Computer Science and Media Technology in Linnaeus University (LNU), SE 2015-2018. Juwel Rana has Phd in applied AI (PMC) from LTU, SE and MSc in software Engineering of Distributed Systems from KTH, Sweden. He has been active in industrial and academic problem solving since 2006. He has Data & AI research experience from the Create-net research center, the University of Trento, Luleå University of Technology, The Centre for Distance-spanning Technology, Ericsson Research – Luleå and Ericsson Research – Silicon Valley/USA.

The integration of LLMs into retail operations has potential of an exciting and transformative journey. By embracing this cutting-edge technology, retailers can unlock a world of possibilities, creating a seamless, personalized, and unforgettable shopping experience for their customers. In this we will highlight some of the high-potential LLMs use-cases and reflect around this from both tech and usability perspective.


Room: C1-020


Greta Elvestuen (NOR), Senior Analyst at DNB

Speech: Separable Convolutions - The Concept and Opportunities within Banking

Greta holds a doctorate in Business and Economics from BI Norwegian Business School and has experience as a Data Scientist from media and IT industry. She worked as a senior lecturer at the University of Oslo and BI at both Bachelor's and Master of Science levels lecturing on leadership, diversity, and organization. Elvestuen’s research was conducted as quantitative studies and focused on diversity management and inclusive leadership. Her work is published in a number of international journals. As Data Scientist, she developed machine learning models within image processing, NLP, recommender systems, and structured data, worked with depth sensor and drone images, building solutions in diverse fields, such as health, transportation, logistics, maintenance, retail, skincare and salmon farming. Greta is today Senior Analyst at DNB within Group Risk Management focusing on statistical modeling, model development, IRB value chain, and data-driven retail loan decisions supporting customer assessment in a variety of portfolios.

Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) are regularized type of feed-forward neural networks learning feature engineering by themself through filter optimization. Whiile they require relatively little pre-processing compared to other image classification algorithms, separable convolutions have been found as even more efficient, decreasing computational complexity, requiring less memory and with a tendency to perform better. Both Spatial and Deptwise type of separable convolutions will be elaborated, emphasizing their advantages and differences. Finally, their application within banking will be presented.


Room: C1-060


Pål de Vibe (NOR), Head of AI and Data Engineering at KnowIt

Speech:  Cultivating cross-sectorial data sharing in and beyond the transport sector with national 

 18 years of public cloud experience, having worked in a wide variety of sectors, stacks, continents and companies. Worked with cloud data platforms for 8 years, including technologies like Dataiku, Databricks, Snowflake, AWS, GCP and Azure, and methodologies like data domains, data mesh. Enthusiastic about responsible yet pragmatic value-focused engineering, and the path to make organizations data driven. Implements public data sharing practices and technologies on a national scale, including Generative AI approaches to data sharing. 

In the public project Cross-sectorial data sharing for the transport sector (https://samferdselsdata.no/), we do innovation work together with various organizations in the transport sector like Kystverket, Avinor, Bane NOR, Entur, SVV, JDIR and Nye Veier, in collaboration with the national digital infrastructure agency Digdir, to enable, encourage and cultivate more data sharing across these organization, and the capability to do so. To succeed, we employ open knowledge sharing practices and activities on a national scale, Generative AI, and public digital infrastructure innovation, using and extending components like Maskinporten and data.norge.no. We strongly focus on how to facilitate data sharing across cloud and platforms, like Azure, GCP, AWS and Databricks.


Room: C1-010


Joachim Thorkildsen (NOR), Deputy Director of Medicine and Health Services at Vestre Viken HF

Speech: Ai in Vestre Viken 

Thorkildsen is a curious and open consultant surgeon in orthopaedic oncology, researcher and now deputy director of medicine and health services for the Vestre Viken Health Trust. This is the largest non-university Health Trust in Norway, with a proven record for providing user centred services of the highest quality driven by research, innovation and technology. Our job as health leaders is to rescue the golden currency of clinical care- namely time!

Thorkildsen is a curious and open consultant surgeon in orthopaedic oncology, researcher and now deputy director of medicine and health services for the Vestre Viken Health Trust. This is the largest non-university Health Trust in Norway, with a proven record for providing user centred services of the highest quality driven by research, innovation and technology. Our job as health leaders is to rescue the golden currency of clinical care- namely time!


Room: C1-010


Angelica Montez de Oca (NOR), Commercial Director at The Conduit

Speech: Gathering Changemakers The Conduits role in the Norwegian StartUp Ecosystem

Gathering Changemakers The Conduit Oslo is a collaborative community of people committed to creating a just, prosperous, and sustainable future. Our members are entrepreneurs, investors, creatives, business leaders, civil-society and policymakers, bringing together knowledge, networks and capital for sustained positive impact.


Room: C1-050


Dagfinn Rime (NOR), Professor at BI Norwegian Business School

Speech: Foreign exchange markets: Big data reflects market participants real-time information

Rime's primary research interest are in international finance, in particular the microstructure of foreign exchange markets, and empirical asset pricing. His papers have been published in journals like Journal of Financial Economics, Review of Financial Studies, Journal of Monetary Economics, and Journal of International Economics, among others. Prior to moving to BI in March 2014 he was a researcher in the the Norges Bank (central bank of Norway).

Empirical analysis of foreign exchange (FX) rates have proven to be extremely difficult, leading to the so-called “disconnect puzzle” reflecting that that FX rates appeared to be “disconnected” from the variables we believed should be important. Recent research have shown that extending the information set used for empirical analysis better approximates the information set used by relevant market participants as basis for their decision making. This has improved our understanding of FX fluctuations. The extended information set includes high frequency information, multiple dimensions of state of the market, and information on other FX rates.


Room: C1-060


Tale Skjølsvik (NOR), Professor Technology Leadership at OsloMet

Speech: Perspectives on AI Leadership

During the speech we will share several perspectives related to AI Leadership. Our views are formed by extensive literature review on the topic of the main academic articles on AI Leadership since 2010. We view AI leadership as either scenarios, or a process, competence, or a holistic approach. We integrate AI as enhancement or replacement perspectives with two dimensions of AI leadership: AI in leadership and leadership of the adoption of AI. As a result of our analysis, we integrated results in a matrix categorizing future leadership into four types—Transition, Team, Strategic, and Beyond leadership. The practical implications for re-defining leadership during Industry 4.0 dominated by AI, include skill development and training, AI-enhanced decision-making, redefining leadership roles and tasks, change management, building future-oriented organizational culture, and developing policy and regulatory compliance. The main goal of our speech is to introduce new dimensions to leadership and management research that could be beneficial both to academic scholars and industry practitioners.  


Room: C1-010


Will Archer Arentz (NOR), CTO & Founder at Orbify.ai

Speech: Empowering Businesses with AI: Transforming Data into Actionable Insights 

Will is a technology and research veteran with over 20 years of experience. He previously served as an Executive and Head of Research at Rakuten Group in Tokyo, where he built and led a team of over 250 scientists across three continents. He oversaw the development of an autonomous, zero-emission shipping vessel, which included ship design, business development, and legislative negotiations. As a strategic advisor, he has guided industry leaders on tech development, organizational building, and market strategies. Will holds a Ph.D. and has worked as a researcher at NTNU and Tokyo University. He is committed to bridging the gap between theory and application.

In this presentation, we will explore the transformative power of the Orbify Data Enrichment Platform (DEP). Designed to empower businesses with advanced AI capabilities, DEP simplifies previously manual tasks, optimizes complex workflows, and transforms raw data into actionable insights. We will demonstrate how DEP addresses key challenges faced by our customers through a few real-world application demos. These demos will showcase the platform’s ability to automate data processing, enhance decision-making, and streamline operations across various industries.


Room: C1-020


Ebba Linde (SWE), Head of Product and UX at Schibsted & Svenska Dagbladet

Speech: How synthetic voice changes the game for the media industry - and - how important it is to fail sometimes (and learn from it). 

10y experience from working with Product in Schibsted, several senior roles at companies like Aftonbladet, tv.nu, Svenska Dagbladet as well as the central media platform and advertising platform. Her product leadership philosophy circles around trust, where she is confident that team trust is the key to succeed in delivering products that users love. She has an engineering background, MSc. Financial Engineering and Risk management at Lund Institute of Technology. She is confident that AI will revolutionise the media industry and society as a whole, exploring these opportunities as well as the ethical dilemmas from AI are crucial and a central part of her everyday work life as a Product Manager in Schibsted.

During her talk she will walk you through the opportunities that synthetic speech gives to the media industry, how the technology not only gives a scalable production of audio content but also challenges Schibsted to think more radical and innovative about how they serve the best journalistic content to our users, and in what format. She will describe how audio is a key to attract new audiences and how Schibsted scales personalisation engines for reading behaviours to create value for the audio experience. And, she will share transparent insights on how a failed experiment at Svenska Dagbladet gave them valuable insights on what was actually the real problem to solve.


Room: C1-020



Rune Opdahl (NOR), Lawyer & Partner at Advokatfirmaet Wiersholm

Speech: Legal aspects of AI: how does law regulate AI

About you (short bio): Rune Opdahl specializes in technology, privacy and intellectual property law. He works for clients in a range of industries, including in the media, technology, retail, e-commerce, health, pharma, renewable energy, sports and financial industries. In the annual lawyers survey by Norwegian Financial Daily (Finansavisen) 2023, voted by peers, Rune is ranked as leading in the categories Technology/Digitization, Data Protection/Privacy, and Intellectual Property and Media.

Rune will explain what laws that currently apply to the use of AI and the essence of the upcoming EU AI Act.


Room: C1-020


Rolf Frydenberg (NOR), CEO at Manag-E Nordic

Speech: How AI Improves Service Management 

Rolf Frydenberg has been active in the IT business in Norway and internationally for over 40 years, and is today the CEO of the SaaS and software reseller company Manag-E Nordic AS. Rolf has a special interest in the practical application of Artificial Intelligence in IT Management in general and in Service Management in particular. He has made many presentations on this and related topics at seminars, trade shows and other events.

This presentation focuses on the practical application of Artificial Intelligence in Enterprise and IT Service Management, as a tool for users and agents, as well as a foundational component in the actual service management system. Manag-E's SMAX service management tool is built on a big data and AI foundation, and AI capabilities contribute to a wide variety of use cases. This presentation encompasses many of these use cases.


Room: C1-010


Espen Werring (NOR),

Speech: Navigating the legal framework governing bias in automated decisions by AI-solutions.

Espen is a trusted adviser to organizations developing and implementing their mission-critical digitization strategies. He typically advice the largest organizations in the private sector with their sourcing of services within development, transformation, maintenance and operation of business-critical IT and business processes. He is ranked as one of Norway's leading lawyers within this field in national and international directories.

Developers and users of AI-solutions that enable automated decision-making need to be aware of the legal framework on bias and automated decisions. This presentation will give an overview of the legal framework governing such capabilities.


Room: C1-000


Kim Øystein Næss (NOR), Director of Innovation and Technology, OFV Subject Matter Expert AI, Data and IoT for Norways Research Council

Speech: Future work / life: Understanding history, helps us build the future

Kim Næss has 20 years of experience in the technology industry and has been part of the journey to the cloud and the service architectures that have revolutionized the industry. Kim has been a consultant, architect, manager and advisor in companies such as CGI, Tieto, Steria, Oracle, Hitachi and today at GroupM, the world's largest media group which globally accounts for every third advertisement seen in all channels. Kim is also an expert in AI and IoT at the Research Council of Norway as well as a board member at the Data Association: BI & Analytics, and is an experienced and engaging speaker in Norway and internationally. Kim has graduated from Oxford University's Artificial Intelligence executive program in 2020-21.

We are going on a journey through the past and the future of data, technology and mathematics and statistics to understand the journey machine learning has gone through to become today's buzzword A or artificial intelligence in good Norwegian. We will also look at different variations of AI and how they can best be used in today's companies so that you can have practical use of the information in the lecture, as well as recommendations for which skills and teams will be important for success. Finally, we will try to look at what the future of AI will look like for those who want to prepare for next steps.


room: C1-050


Hans Christian Holte (NOR), Director at NAV

Speech: AI: explore your possibilities! 

Hans Christian Holte is the Director General of the Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration. Having graduated as cand.polit. in political science from the University of Oslo in 1992, he became Deputy Director General of the Norwegian Directorate for Health and Social Affairs in 2002 and deputy under-secretary of state in the Ministry of Education and Research. He also served as assisting permanent under-secretary of state. From 2008 to 2013 he was the director of the Agency for Public Management and eGovernment, and from 2013 to 2020 he was Tax Director in the Norwegian Tax Administration. 

Rather than sitting on the fence and waiting for more clear legislation, and examples and experiences from others – we must explore our own areas of potential benefits from AI. That is a general recommendation, but it might be especially relevant for public sector institutions, which have a more regulated environment, and also tend to be a bit more hesitant with radical technologies. Nav has had an AI lab for several years already, and we would like to share some examples of applying AI in areas which might turn out to be “quick wins”.


Room: C1-010


Samson Esayas (ETH), Associate Professor at BI Norwegian Business School

Speech: Regulating Artificial Intelligence: A Bird’s Eye View of Global Developments

Dr Samson Esayas is an Associate Professor at BI Norwegian Business School and a Faculty Associate at Harvard University’s Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society. He specialises in teaching data protection law, AI regulation, and competition law at BI and has previously taught at the University of Oslo and Queen Mary University of London. His research explores the power dynamics stemming from control over data and mediated communications, with a focus on how these evolving power paradigms are addressed by competition and data privacy law. He earned his PhD from the University of Oslo in 2020 and his dissertation was awarded His Majesty the King’s Gold Medal for outstanding research in 2021. He was a visiting researcher at the Berkman Klein Center in 2023 where he collaborated on a project that seeks to offer a global perspective on the societal impacts of AI and its governance.

When it comes to AI regulation, May 2024 has been particularly eventful. On May 21, the European Council granted nal approval to the EU AI Act, a pioneering piece of legislation on AI. Perhaps less known, on May 17, the Council of Europe adopted the Framework Convention for Arti cial Intelligence, the " rst-ever international legally binding treaty aimed at ensuring the respect of human rights, the rule of law, and democracy." On the same day, across the Atlantic, the state of Colorado passed a comprehensive AI bill, SB205, titled "Concerning Consumer Protections in Interactions with Arti cial Intelligence Systems" ("AI Act"). Meanwhile, similar activities are unfolding in other jurisdictions, notably in Canada and China. This talk aims to provide an overview of some of the key global developments in the regulation of AI.


Room: C1-000


Maria Amelie (NOR), CEO & Founder at Factiverse

Speech:  Factiverse

Maria Amelie is CEO and co-founder of Factiverse AI. They help businesses to detect factual mistakes and hallucinations in news, reports, and posts. Their solution is based on years of award-winning research at the University of Stavanger. In her spare time, she is chairwoman and cofounder of Startup Migrants, a European project that has since 2020 discovered and supported 1500 young multicultural founders. Before Factiverse, she worked as a technology journalist and wrote 5 non-fiction books on migration, freedom of speech and entrepreneurship.

Due to AI in the wrong hands, we see a growing amount of harmful content spreading rapidly, which will soon be infinite. False press releases, online rumours and malicious disinformation campaigns significantly erode trust between consumers and brands and lead to financial volatility. It is a prerogative to develop a strategy for digital trust to withstand the consequences of these rapid AI developments. Maria Amelie will talk about navigating the new reality with AI and the weaknesses of the current AI models, as well as inherited biases and their effect on our communications, and their work at Factiverse to help companies to verify information.


Room: C1-050

Startup Presentations


Lars Gunnar Fledsberg (NOR), CEO & Founder at Wittario

Speech: How to improve learning avd development with active game-based learning 

Serial entrepenuer, started seven companies (with three exits) over the past ten years. Bachelor in Finance and a Master's degree in marketing and strategy from BI Norwegian Business School. 28 years managerial experience in the ICT industry from companies such as - Telenor, a leading telecommunications company across the Nordics and Asia, - Atea a leading IT infrastructure company acros the Nordics and Baltics - Global Knowledge a worldwide leader in IT and technology training.

Wittario is a platform for active game-based learning. Over 1.800 organizations in 24 countries create learning games on the Wittario platform, or play ready-made games with a focus on learning and development for both companies and schools. Under the vision of "active learning", we at Wittario have integrated game mechanics, GPS, AI and AR technology into the learning games on our platform, Customer cases will be presented where both learning and and development results are boosted by the participants, whether they are employees or students.


Room: C1-050


Mai Phan (NOR), CEO & Founder at Variment

Speech: How AI can help bridge the gap between education and practice 

Mai is the founder of Variment, who is passionate about social impact and sustainability. She has experience in strategy and research and is a certified recruiting personnel by DNV.

The turnover of healthcare professionals is high, and one of the reasons is practice shocks, in which there is mismatch between work expectation and reality. Norway will lack 28,000 nurses by 2035. There have been political discussions to make nurse and teacher education more practical and less theoretical. Educational institutions and healthcare employers can leverage AI to provide a more practical training and personalised guidance to make the occupations more attractive


Room: C1-050


Andreas H. Parlow (NOR), Project Lead at SKRAAG

Speech: Skraag – Digital boat controller

Digital boat controller Project Lead with experience from sales, marketing and communications through more than 30 years. Good creative and structured skills in idea and concept development. Typical people person.

Talking about the actual need of an electronic device aboard private boats. A perfect solution for easier use of and leasure boats and control of it's devices and functions.


Room: C1-050


Daniel Thafvelin (NOR), CEO at Renovai

Speech: Democratization of Knowledge through AI: A Practical Use Case 

The founding idea behind Renov.ai is to empower consumers in home renovation and maintenance. Statistics show that 40% of DIY home renovations fail, leading to 1.4B NOK in wasted materials in Norway alone, and 57% of DIY enthusiasts wish they had called a professional from the start. On average, 9 hours are spent finding a professional, and with renovations becoming increasingly complex both technically and regulatorily, while DIY skills are on the decline, most homeowners do not feel competent when discussing with professionals. In this presentation, Mikkel Selente (CTO) and Daniel Thafvelin (CEO) will share their insights from Renov.ai, illustrating how AI can be leveraged across various verticals to efficiently democratize knowledge and enhance service quality. They will also discuss how AI ensures eco-friendly solutions and promotes sustainability, making it a vital tool for the future.


Room: C1-050


Eirik Grønlie (NOR), CEO at Coright

Speech: Coright - The First Ever Brand Rights Management Platform 

Strategic Tech-Oriented Leader | Transforming Businesses Through Digital Innovation | Driving Growth and Market Expansion | Expertise in Commerce, Marketing, and Digital Transformation I am a seasoned executive with over two decades of expertise in business development, digitalization, e-commerce, sales, marketing, PR, and communications. My background includes CMO roles at prominent brands and companies such as Statoil, Maxbo/Løvenskiold, Boots, and Mester Grønn Now, I lead the technology company Coright, an exciting startup, solving a global marketing assets rights problem with the world's first Brand Rights Management platform.

I am the CEO of Coright AS, a Norwegian technology company that has developed the market's first Brand Rights Management platform for the storage, management, and rights control of brand, media, and marketing assets. The potential for our solution is significant: Global market, with a launch in the Nordics in 2025 Competent team with relevant industry expertise and an active board High customer traction (ARR growth of 1300% in the last 9 months), with clients such as Orkla, OBOS, Dr. Oetker, Mills, and others We are currently conducting a funding round and I would very much like the opportunity to present my company to possible investors.


Room: C1-050

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