Jorge Solis - Associate Professor at Karlstad University Main section Page top

Jorge Solis - Associate Professor at Karlstad University

Speech: Assistive Robots for Healthy and Frail Elderly

In industrialized countries, regional disparities in healthcare and welfare services, increased medical expense caused by aging societies and shortages of medical staff have become serious problems. In Sweden, it is expected that about 25% of Swedes population will be older than 65 years old by 2060. For this purpose, robot technology (RT) is expected to be an important key to find solutions to these problems. In particular, roboticists have been developing assistive robots for health care and welfare applications to improve the security, independence and quality of the elderly so they can stay in their homes longer. In particular, during the last decades with a special focus has been done in terms to increase the level of multimodal interaction, sensing and control to facilitate the perception of the environment for a better support to the elderly. However, the natural support, the adaptability to the user/task needs, and the multipurpose design concept have been scarcely studied. In this presentation, the development of assistive robots for healthy and frail elderly is introduced in collaboration with the private and public organizations in both Sweden and Japan.

Jorge has over sixteen years of experience in both scientific and industrial oriented research projects in the EU as well as Japan. Seven years of experience as a Project/Scientific Leader in collaboration with different universities, and design engineers from highly regarded companies in the welfare Industry field such as Camanio Care AB, Kyotokagaku Co. Ltd., Hitachi Aloka Medical Ltd., etc. An extensive list of publication list with peer reviewed papers (19 international journals and 120 international conferences) and monograph books (3 edited volumes and 16 book chapters) with a total number of citations of 1398 (since 2014: 511), h-index: 20 (since 2014: 10) and i10-index: 55 (since 2014: 14) [source Google Scholar]. Jorge has obtained 3 finalist awards at International Conference on Robots and Intelligent Systems (2007 and 2009) and International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (2009) as well as a best paper conference award at the 12th International Conference on Complex Medical Engineering. He has been the general co-chair of the 14th Mechatronics Forum International Conference. and PC co-chair for the 23rd CISM IFToMM Symposium on Robot Design, Dynamics and Control. He is a senior member of the IEEE, member of the Robotics Commission for the IFToMM, the International Federation for the Promotion of Machine and Mechanism Science. He is currently co-chair for the Technical Committee in Bio robotics.


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