Eirik Norman Hansen - Founder at Eirik Norman AS
Speech: Intelligence of Things
Eirik is a graduate in economics, and has worked with digitization for over 20 years. His quest is to research topics concerning what technology means to us, and how we can utilize it in the best way possible. He has lead and been a part of some of Norway and the Nordic countries’ biggest tech companies, and today he runs his own company where his main focus is what the future will bring, and what we have to do to succeed in the future. He is on multiple boards in Norwegian companies, and he has also co-written the book “Når juss møter AI” (When law meets AI), that was published in the summer of 2019, and he also has his own podcast called “30 minutes into the future” where he is accompanied by guests to discuss the near future. Today Eirik runs his own company Eirik Norman AS where he spend most of his time doing Keynote speaking about tech and the future.